Roof Replacement Work

We hope this email reaches you fit and well.

After a long period of discussions with contractors, we are able to commence our comprehensive pool roof repair and replacement.

We have worked with our contractors and advisors to mitigate any closure periods. However, due to the scale of the work, some disruption will occur.

The Main Pool will be closed from Monday 3rd June to Friday 7th June. 
In addition to this, the Main Pool and the Thermal Suites will be closed from Monday 1st July to Friday 5th July.

The works will commence on Monday 27th May and complete on or around Sunday 7th July. You will see activity and workmen around site and on the facility’s roofs between these periods. Please do not be alarmed; they are doing so with safe working practices.

To enable access to the Thermal Suites from Monday 3rd June to Friday 7th June, we will relocate all female users to the Family Changing Room so that access and egress from the Thermal Suite can be facilitated to all users. Please follow the directional signage throughout the week or speak to a member of the team if you need assistance. 

We have tried to manage and mitigate the disruption during these essential works. However, we realise that this is a disruption to a service and as such, we have undertaken some actions below which we feel may help during the course of these works:

Our sister facility at Brooklands Health Club in Sale will be accessible for you during both pool closure periods by clicking on the following link to book your visit. You will need your membership number to book . This club is operated by us and you will be greeted warmly. 

Please click this link to book your slot

Alternatively, you will be able to freeze your membership for the month of June at no charge. Please send your request to do to:

We will be adding in additional Aqua classes into our revised weekend schedules following each closure period; please see details below. As always, you can book 8 days’ in advance via the Waterside App, Members’ Online Portal or at reception.

Sunday 9th June09:15 – 10:00AquaCarlotta
Sunday 9th June10:15 – 11:00AquaCarlotta
Sunday 9th June14:30 – 15:15AquaLiam
Sunday 9th June15:30 – 16:15AquaLiam
Sunday 7th July09:15 – 10:00AquaCarlotta
Sunday 7th July10:15 – 11:00AquaCarlotta
Sunday 7th July14:30 – 15:15AquaLiam
Sunday 7th July15:30 – 16:15AquaLiam

We sincerely thank you for your support during these essential works.

Yours sincerely, 

Jamie Lyne


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